Sunday, January 3, 2010

“If I’d known what was going to happen at our club meeting the next day, I would have thought that a snake on the loose was nothing at all”…..BSC # 22

Memory Reaction

I think I sort of stole my original copy of this book from my cousins’ house. They had it on a bookshelf in their basement, and I started reading it while I was there. My aunt told me I could bring it home to finish reading, and I never gave it back. I don’t think they minded though. My cousins were both boys so I don’t even know how the book ended up in their house in the first place.

In terms of the actual plot, I remember that a snake gets loose and a hamster has babies, but that is really it.

Revisited Reaction

Jessi has what she calls a week off coming up – even though she still has school - because the Braddocks (who she sits for regularly) are on vacation and her dance school is closed. At first, she is looking forward to the time off, but she ends up taking a pet-sitting job for the animal-crazy Mancusis. This is the couple with multiple dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, and a snake. Kristy didn’t want the BSC to accept a job like this, but Jessi talked her into it.

So, for a week Jessi goes to the Mancusis and takes care of the animals. At one point Claudia brings over Jamie Newton and Nina Marshall and Mary Anne brings over the Perkins girls to see the animals. It is fairly dull except for the point where Mary Anne lets the snake get loose, and she and Jessi freak out a little. But super-girl Myriah Perkins helps find it.

Throughout the week, Jessi notices that one of the hamsters is acting “strange,” as if hamsters actually do anything anyway. But this one keeps sleeping in the corner instead of with the other hamsters, and it tries to bite Jessi. She finally takes it to the vet, and finds out she’s pregnant. The hamster ends up giving birth on Jessi’s last day on the job, and the Mancusis offer her a hamster. They also extend this offer to the BSC, but Mallory is the only one who takes them up on this. These hamsters end up being referenced regularly in future books.

The subplot is actually the (relatively) more interesting one. Kristy’s being more bossy than usual and it leads to some arguments with the older girls. The girls are also annoyed that she won’t just trust them to read the club notebook, and instead she asks them about it every day. Mallory and Jessi try to stay out of the fight, because they’re wimps who think that being President of the BSC actually gives Kristy power over them. And because they think the eighth-graders won’t stay their friends if they don’t think they can walk over them. Which makes me wonder why Jessi and Mal consider them such good friends.

The fight eventually leads to Claudia, Mary Anne, and Dawn insisting on new elections (Stacey is in NYC at this point). I’d completely forgotten this whole storyline, until I got to the part where they discuss new elections – when I remembered how it ended. Jessi and Mal are nervous about whom to vote for, because again, they’re wimps. But Jessi eventually decides to “listen to her heart” and votes for everyone to stay in the same roles. It turns out everyone else agrees, because the vote is unanimous to keep Kristy’s President, Claud’s VP, etc. Even Mary Anne votes for herself to stay as Secretary, Dawn votes for herself to stay as Treasurer, Claudia votes for herself to stay as VP, and all of them vote for Kristy to stay as President. They all make up and Kristy swears she’ll stop being so bossy and annoying about the notebook. But, I’m fairly sure she still asks this in later books.

  • You can tell this book is early, because Jessi only says she might become a dancer someday and that Mallory might become an author someday.
  • When giving the club backstory, Jessi says that Kristy or her brothers usually watched David Michael after school, and when they couldn’t, Mrs. Thomas made a bunch of phones calls. But isn’t what happened really that Kristy and her brothers had a day to watch them, with another sitter working on the other days? And the sitter cancelled, which led to all the phone calls and Kristy’s whole idea?
  • Jessi says that Shannon and Logan were made associate members to help fill the void left by Stacey moving. But, that’s not true either. Someone better make Jessi study her BSC history before they let her narrate another book.
  • Kristy says she hates the idea of pet-sitting because of her very first sitting job through the BSC, where she ended up sitting for a couple dogs. Which is good continuity. So, one point for the ghostwriters.
  • During one argument, Mary Anne, Claud, and Dawn point out that Kristy doesn’t really do anything for the club besides come up with ideas….which they all do in addition to actual responsibilities. They actually have a pretty good point there.
  • In the early books, they have pretty good continuity about Jessi having a regular job for the Braddocks, but that seems to stop later on. Was there a point where they actually mention her stopping, or did they just forget about it?
  • The reason the Mancusis call the BSC is that their pet-sitter canceled at the last minute. When she hears this, Mallory is all, “that’s so irresponsible.” Way to be judgmental, Mal.
  • It’s kind of wrong that while Jessi is sitting she lets all the neighborhood kids come and visit. She doesn’t let them feed the animals or anything – because it’s “her responsibility - but still. I’m sure if the Mancusis wanted little kids running around their house, they would have had their own children instead of running a zoo.
  • The snake gets loose because Mary Anne took the cover off his cage to get a better look. That seems like something Mary Anne would never do in a million years.
  • Of course, six-year-old Myraih Perkins knows that snakes are cold blooded and would most likely be found on the porch (where it is sunny).
  • Jessi goes to the Mancusi’s before school, and then again right after school, and doesn’t finish until it’s time for the BSC meeting. That’s gotta be about three hours a day. I’ve never had pets, but it seems like an insane amount of time to spend taking care of your animals.
  • Claud outfit: “This one consisted of an oversized, short-sleeved, cotton shirt with gigantic leaves printed all over it, green leggings – the same green as the leaves on her shirt – bright yellow push-down socks, her purple high-tops, and in her hair a headband with a gigantic purple bow attached to one side.” If it weren’t for the purple sneakers and headband, that seems semi-acceptable. At least for the eighties.
  • Jessi outfit: “An oversized shirt – a white sweatshirt ballet shoes on the front…with jeans and regular socks and regular sneakers.” Jessi outfits are just not as fun to describe.
  • “New elections” is probably a silly term, since they never even had real elections to begin with. They all just chose what they wanted.
  • Hey, amazing coincidence. Kristy’s sitting for Jack Rodowsky, who’s running for a class “office” at this school. He wants to be the person who gets to feed the class rabbit. But he’s worried they will vote for the girl who can walk down the hall without falling. I can understand why he would be worried about that.
  • Kristy tries to “help” Jackie, by telling him how to appear neater and more responsible, and Jackie actually calls Kristy out on being bossy. Interesting, because he was never able to do that with Jessi.
  • Mary Anne asks Jessi and Mallory what they think of new elections – but then says their positions won’t change. If I were them, I would say, why not? Just cause they can’t sit at night doesn’t mean they can’t collect dues or anything.
  • At one point, Mallory’s name is written with a lower-case “m.” So, maybe I’ll take back the point I gave the ghostwriters. I mean, don’t you learn in kindergarten to capitalize a person’s name?
  • When she is at the vet, a kid in the waiting room has a white cat and she tells Jessi he’s deaf. Apparently, this happens a lot with white cats. That must be true, or else Ann Martin knew at least one white cat that couldn’t hear. Because I am pretty sure that in the Mallory mystery there is a deaf cat.
  • Jessi hangs around at the Mancusi’s house the day they are supposed to return, because she wants to be there to tell them about the hamster having babies. But I’d be really annoyed if I got home from a long trip and was totally exhausted, only to have some random kid there.
  • I can see people thinking Mary Anne’s the perfect secretary and Kristy the perfect President, but saying Dawn’s the best Treasurer is sort of random, since it was really Stacey who was perfect for that job.
  • Jackie ends up losing his election, so Kristy talks to his mom and offers to hook them up with one of the Mancusi hamsters to make him feel better. I guess it’s good that she talked to his mom first, but it’s sort of a rude thing to ask out of the blue like that. Especially since she says it will be good for Jackie. These girls need to learn how to not butt in.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha, :) Good post, but I have a couple of points here:
    *This book wasn't actually ghostwritten, which makes the continuity all the more irking. (AMM wrote the first 36.)
    *White cats ARE often deaf, particularly the ones with blue eyes. Something weird with genes.
    *I remember seeing this in a booksale two years back and not getting it. Then I totally freaked out because I thought that this was the one with an explanation for why the Pike's hamster's named Frodo. (I am a HUGE Lord of the Rings fan.) So I went back the next day and got it. But they didn't have it AT ALL, which annoyed me. It REALLY, REALLY annoyed me.
    I apologize for my novel of a comment, but I am taking advantage of the fact that I am the first to. Comment, that is. :)

  3. Jessi's version of how the BSC started isn't completely wrong, but it's incomplete. The babysitter canceled and THEN Mrs. Thomas found out her older kids were all busy.

    And yes, you should expect any white cat to be deaf if it has blue eyes. If it has one blue eye, it will be deaf in that ear.

  4. "I’ve never had pets, but it seems like an insane amount of time to spend taking care of your animals."

    Indeed. Animals don't need nearly that much care. They should be sent to the glue factory if they complain.

  5. Ten bucks says Ann M. has owned at least one deaf white cat.

  6. Jessi says that Kristy or her brothers usually watched David Michael after school, and when they couldn’t, Mrs. Thomas made a bunch of phones calls. But isn’t what happened really that Kristy and her brothers had a day to watch them, with another sitter working on the other days? And the sitter cancelled, which led to all the phone calls and Kristy’s whole idea?Jessi says that Shannon and Logan were made associate members to help fill the void left by Stacey moving. But, that’s not true either. Someone better make Jessi study her BSC history before they let her narrate another book.

    so true

  7. Wait--ADULTS own hamsters?! Since when?

  8. "Regular socks and regular shoes," LOL!

    Also, I read that line as "Jackie ends up losing his eRection." Oops.

  9. Isn’t this the book where we find out that Jessie is sooo good with vocab words that the teacher gives her extra lists to study? I learned the word cacophony from this book (and obviously it stuck with me) since that is how she describe the noise when she rang the doorbell of the house with all the animals.

  10. I always thought that it was bizarre that anyone who loved their pets that much would leave their dogs alone with no one but an eleven year old to walk them once or twice a day. Dogs get really upset if you leave them alone. You'd think they'd board the dogs or leave them with a neighbor at least.

  11. what I found weird about this book (okay, the most weird) is that when the hamster seems really sick, Jessi and her mom take it to the vet.
    I can understand 11 year old Jessi wanting to go, but seriously..hamsters cost like ten bucks, a vet's visit cost roughly thirty (or whatever the 1990's equivalent is), so I have no idea why Mrs. R would agree that going to the vet is the right thing to do. You think she'd at least suggest calling the Mancusis to see if they wanted to drop that money on something that only lives a year anyway. (I do love animals, and any other pet I'd see, I just don't get it in this case).

  12. I loved this book, just for the animals. I want a Great Dane. And a Redbone Coonhound. And a Husky. A black Lab. Rhodesian Ridgeback, basenji, Shibu Inu...

  13. Does AMM know how HUGE Great Danes really are? if I had one, there is no way I would feel comfortable letting someone Jessi's size/age walk it.

    also, thanks for pointing out how wierd it was that the BSC brought kids over to the Mancusi home. that bugs me, especially since I don't remember them giving Jessi permission to invite people over.

  14. To paigealicious - don't worry, i read another sentence as "Just cause they can't sit at night doesn't mean they can't collect DUDES or anything." haha.

    The books with animals as the central plot were never my favourites (as with the books about Kristy's Krushers).

    Great recap!

  15. "Jessi hangs around at the Mancusi’s house the day they are supposed to return, because she wants to be there to tell them about the hamster having babies. But I’d be really annoyed if I got home from a long trip and was totally exhausted, only to have some random kid there."

    I really don't see what problem you have with this bit. You wouldn't have been excited to hear one of your hamsters had babies to forget you're tired for a bit? Jessi didn't see anything wrong with waiting at Mancusis' house to tell them big news about one of their pets. And it wasn't like she hung around begging to hear their whole trip in detail.

  16. Agree, BonClyde. Besides, it's not like she's some random kid--she was hired by them to do a job. Staying there is the responsible thing to do.

  17. Deborah - I think the book that talks about Jessi being good with Vocabulary is the "Secret Language" one...because that sets up her being good at sign language.

    In terms of her being there when the Mancusis got home, I guess they may have gotten over being tired (and of course that depends on where they were traveling from. But Jessi did say they were surprised to see her.

  18. At one point, Mallory’s name is written with a lower-case “m.” So, maybe I’ll take back the point I gave the ghostwriters. I mean, don’t you learn in kindergarten to capitalize a person’s name?

    she does not deserve a capital letter

  19. you are right Anonymous she does not deserve one

  20. Jessi always say listen to your heart barf me

  21. Hmmm... I don't really like the comment about someone not deserving a capital letter. That's going a little too far.

  22. If you're wondering... 5 years later... white cats with blue eyes are really often deaf. When they have one blue eye and one other eye, they're often deaf on the side with the blue eye. It's like over 70% of white cats or something
